Saturday 14 February 2015


Edinburgh has no new social housing building planned in the near to medium future.
This is a major concern for those on a very low income or for those termed "working poor."

If you look at what some of the high earners receive
  • David Cameron £142,500
  • Tony Hall (BBC boss) £450,000
  • Mike Rees (Standard Chartered bank boss) £8,986,000
  • Wayne Rooney £15,600,000
  • Angela Ahrendts (Burberry boss) £16,900,000
  • Adele £27,540,000
  • The Queen £36,100,000
  • One Direction £59,330,000
  • Michael Jackson (deceased) £108,108,000
  • Crispin Odey (hedge fund speculator) £14,200,000
  • Carolyn McCall (easyJet boss) £6,430,000     

Now compare that to some other jobs
  • Waiters & waitresses ( £7,654 +8.3%)
  • Cleaners £8,067 (+1.9%)
  • Florists £8,960 (-6.0%)
  • Hairdressers £10,174 (+0.9%)
  • Fitness instructors £10,378 (-8.4%)
  • Shop-workers £11,174 (+0.3%)
  • Cooks £11,346 (-7.4%)
  • Nursery nurses £11,163 (-0.4%)
The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.
Make no mistake, even if you consider yourself "middle class" you are still in the poor bracket 
The average wage is meant to be circa £26,000 but so many don't earn that much and have to exist on under £15,000.

We need to campaign our MP's to start building more affordable social housing.

Its coming up for the election, so now is the time to write letters, send emails and get them working for your vote

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